Club Members
Hispanic 5'10
I am very hard-working-person who enjoy working and bike riding
Love to be outdoors biking, running, hiking, or swimming.
- Specialized Tarmac Sport
- Colnago AC-R

- Specialized Allez
I am average, will try all things though excel at none. Thankful for what I have!
Currently Rides- Cervelo P3
- Ironhorse Road

Club Treasurer

I'm a people person! :-) I'm a husband and a father two wonderful children, who are now grown and on their own. I'm married to my best friend Ms. Gwendolyn Dawson Royster. We're retired military (Army) veterans and we're genuinely kindhearted people who are appreciative, grateful and thankful. The Cyclone Cycling Club Riders are wonderful people and I've enjoyed riding with them. I think that cyclists are genuinely awesome people! :-)
Currently Rides- Performance Bicycles Scattante Road Bike

- Ridley Fenix
- BMC TeamMachine SLR03
I began road cycling in 2017 to enhance my fitness and recreation. Joined up with the Cyclones that year in June.
I ride both road & mountain!
Currently Rides- Scott CR1 Pro
- NINER Air9

I am the President of the Cyclones Cycling Club in San Antonio furthermore I am disponible to assist those individuals who would like to perform better in the Cycling Sport. We do provide training rides during the week.